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SurveyMonkey credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Supported authentication methods#

  • API access token
  • OAuth2

Refer to SurveyMonkey's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API access token#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An Access Token: Generated once you create an app.
  • A Client ID: Generated once you create an app.
  • A Client Secret: Generated once you create an app.

Once you've created your app and assigned appropriate scopes, go to Settings > Credentials. Copy the Access Token, Client ID, and Secret and add them to n8n.

Using OAuth#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Client ID: Generated once you create an app.
  • A Client Secret: Generated once you create an app.

Once you've created your app and assigned appropriate scopes:

  1. Go to the app's Settings > Settings.
  2. From n8n, copy the OAuth Redirect URL.
  3. Overwrite the app's existing OAuth Redirect URL with that URL.
  4. Select Submit Changes.
  5. Be sure the Scopes section contains the Required app scopes.

From the app's Settings > Credentials, copy the Client ID and Client Secret and add them to your n8n credential. You can now select Connect my account from n8n.

SurveyMonkey Test OAuth Flow

This option only works if you keep the default SurveyMonkey OAuth Redirect URL and add the n8n OAuth Redirect URL as an Additional Redirect URL.

Required app scopes#

Once you create your app, go to Settings > Scopes. Select these scopes for your n8n credential to work:

  • View Surveys
  • View Collectors
  • View Responses
  • View Response Details
  • Create/Modify Webhooks
  • View Webhooks

Select Update Scopes to save them.