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Microsoft SQL credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create a user account on a Microsoft SQL server database.

Supported authentication methods#

  • SQL database connection

Refer to Microsoft's Connect to SQL Server documentation for more information about connecting to the service.

Using SQL database connection#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • The Server name: Refer to Find SQL Server Instance Name for more information.
  • The Database name
  • Your User account/ID
  • Your Password
  • The Port to use for the connection: SQL Server defaults to 1433; only adjust this if your SQL Server database is set up to use another port.
  • The Domain name: Necessary if users in multiple domains access your database. Run SELECT DEFAULT_DOMAIN()[DomainName] to get the Domain name.
  • Select whether to use TLS
  • Select whether to Ignore SSL Issues: If turned on, the credential will connect even if SSL certificate validation fails.
  • The Connect Timeout: Enter the number of milliseconds n8n should attempt the initial connection to complete before disconnecting. Refer to the SqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout property documentation for more information.
  • The Request Timeout: Enter the number of milliseconds n8n should wait on a given request before timing out. This is basically a query timeout parameter. Refer to Troubleshoot query time-out errors for more information.
  • Select the TDS Version: The Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol version to use. If the server doesn't support the version you select here, a negotiated alternate version is used. Refer to Appendix A: Product Behavior for a more detailed breakdown of the TDS versions' compatibility with different SQL Server versions and .NET frameworks. Options include:
    • 7_4 (SQL Server 2012 ~ 2019): TDS version 7.4
    • 7_3_B (SQL Server 2008R2): TDS version 7.3.B
    • 7_3_A (SQL Server 2008): TDS version 7.3.A
    • 7_2 (SQL Server 2005): TDS version 7.2
    • 7_1 (SQL Server 2000): TDS version 7.1

Refer to the Connect to server table in the Connect to a SQL Server Instance documentation for more details on these fields.